July 13, 2021
The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Corcoran Irrigation District was held on Tuesday, July 13, 2021, at the office of the District, 1150 6 ½ Avenue, Corcoran, California at 9:00 a.m.
Directors Present:
- Peter Rietkerk
- Michael Boyett
- Matthew Gilkey
- Doug DeVaney
- Erik Hansen
Others Present:
- Gene Kilgore, General Manager
- Tammy Stephens, Office Administrator
- Devin Eagle, Operations Technician
- Misty Vasquez, Human Resources
- Mike Martinez, Operations Manager
- Rosemary Knight (Agenda Item #10, Via Call-in)
There were no additions or deletions.
Mr. Kilgore informed the Board that Jeff DeVaney who is Director DeVaney’s brother, had unfortunately passed away. The Board observed a moment of silence for Jeff DeVaney.
Upon motion of Director Gilkey, seconded by Director Boyett, and unanimously carried, the Board approved and authorized Mrs. Stephens to draw Warrants on the Treasury of the District to pay invoices in the Warrant Register amounting to $1,336,876.04.
Upon motion of Director DeVaney, seconded by Director Gilkey, and unanimously carried, the Board approved the minutes of the June 8, 2021 District Board of Directors meeting with the following spelling edits: “ruffly” to “roughly”, “ok” to “of”, and “Julye” to “July”.
Ms. Stephens reported the beginning June 1, 2021 General Fund checking account balance of $3,880,653.28 and ending June 30th balance of $3,049,627.14.
Ms. Stephens reported on certificate of investments at Kings Federal Credit Union, having a beginning June 1, 2021 balance of $276,861.56 earning interest of $170.67, amounting to an ending balance of $277,032.23. The Kings County Treasurer investments beginning June 1, 2021 balance reported was $4,337,213.23, no interest reported at this time. The District’s total investments, reported as of June 30, 2021 amounted to $4,614,245.49.
Ms. Stephens provided a summary on the accounts receivable aging summary, with no reportable delinquencies.
Mr. Kilgore reported June 2021 water tolls totaled 7,515 acre-feet. Canal use for June 2021 totaled 8,138 acre-feet. Total water tolls and Canal Use to date was 30,025 and 8,138 acre-feet, respectively. The combined year-to-date deliveries totaled 46,180 acre-feet. Water supply provided by well field.
Mr. Kilgore presented the YTD Cost of Operations at $210.00 per acre-foot.
Mr. Kilgore presented the Budget with no concerns from the Board Directors.
Mr. Kilgore asked the Board to consider and approve either a “Yes” or “No” vote on the Lower Tule River Irrigation District 218 Election. Mr. Kilgore informed the Board that the District has 18.64 parcel acres and recommended to vote in the affirmative. The proposed assessment would amount to $136.14 per acre. Upon motion of Director Hansen, seconded by Director DeVaney, and unanimously carried, the Board approved the “Yes” vote.
Mr. Kilgore asked the Board to consider and approve the Sustainable Groundwater Project List. This list explains and outlines all of the District’s future plans to obtain sustainable groundwater, along with the estimated cost, location, benefits of each project listed. Upon motion of Director Boyett, seconded by Director Hansen, and unanimously carried, the Board approved the Sustainable Groundwater Project List for the District.
Rosemary Knight’s provided, via teleconference, a presentation on the Stanford University project to develop 1D model of subsidence. Ms. Knight informed the Board that this project would allow them to put knowledge into action and come up with a model to help understand subsidence. This project would take well data over numerous years, locations and combined the data to understand the factors of subsidence and provide a mitigation plan. There is no cost to the District except time to provide the University with well data. The Board was not opposed, but asked to table this action until the District had time to look over the Project in more depth.
No report on Water Blue Print Plan.
Mr. Kilgore reported the interconnection application was submitted to PG&E for the Reservoir 1-D Floatable Solar Project. Mr. Kilgore also informed the Board that construction on the 5-megawatt solar Section 23 site was behind on schedule due to the excessive temperatures and the solar site would be finished by the end of August.
Mr. Kilgore informed the Board that El Rico’s GSA meeting on June 08, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. had been canceled. Mr. Kilgore asked for the Board to consider the designation of wells 1, 5, 71 and 81 for the GSP measurable objectives and minimum thresholds monitoring. These wells are spread throughout the District and will give a better representation of measurable objectives and monitoring. Upon motion of Director Boyett, seconded by Director Hansen, and unanimously carried, the Board approved the designated wells. Mr. Kilgore discussed the construction of the structure for McCann1 during water deliveries with the CAHSR’s contractor and developed a plan to bypass flows into the Salvador ditch with J.G. Boswell’s approval.
Next Board meeting was set for August 10, 2021.
There being no further business before the Board, meeting was adjourned.