August 10, 2021
The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Corcoran Irrigation District was held on Tuesday, August 10, 2021, at the office of the District, 1150 6 ½ Avenue, Corcoran, California at 9:00 a.m.
Directors Present:
- Peter Rietkerk
- Erik Hansen
- Matthew Gilkey
- Doug DeVaney
Directors Absent:
- Michael Boyett
Others Present:
- Mike Martinez, Operations Manager
- Tammy Stephens, Office Administrator
- Devin Eagle, Operations Technician
- Misty Vasquez, Human Resources
- Kent Jensen, M. Green & Company
- Manny Gonzalez, M. Green & Company
- Marla Borges, M. Green & Company
Ms. Vasquez added Agenda Item 10- PG&E request for Easement LD# 2221-22-10034 for APN 034-011-011 and Resolution NO. 2021-5 to provide service for Peter A. Rietkerk.
Upon motion of Director DeVaney, seconded by Director Gilkey, and carried, the Board approved and authorized Mrs. Stephens to draw Warrants on the Treasury of the District to pay invoices in the Warrant Register amounting to $1,358,986.79.
Ms. Stephens reported the beginning July 1, 2021 General Fund checking account balance of $3,049,627.14 and ending July 31, 2021 balance of $2,556,583.83.
Ms. Stephens reported on certificate of investments at Kings Federal Credit Union, having a beginning July 1, 2021 balance of $277,032.23 earning interest of $176.47, amounting to an ending balance of $277,208.70. The Kings County Treasurer investments beginning July 1, 2021 balance reported was $4,337,213.23 earning 3rd qtr. interest of $8,064.22, amounting in an ending balance of $4,345,277.45. The District’s total investments, reported as of July 31, 2021 amounted to $4,622,486.15.
Ms. Stephens provided a summary on the accounts receivable aging summary, three growers showed as delinquent when report was generated, but all three growers have since paid their outstanding invoices.
Mr. Eagle reported the state of District’s well field with six wells needing to be repaired before the well can be turned back on.
Ms. Vasquez presented the Cost of Operations with no concerns from the Board Directors.
Ms. Vasquez presented the Budget with no concerns from the Board Directors.
Ms. Borges and Mr. Gonzalez from M. Green and Company reported on Corcoran Irrigation District’s (CID) 2020 Financial audit. Ms. Borges gave CID a “Good Standing” report. Upon motion of Director Gilkey, seconded by Director Hansen, and carried, the Board approved the financial audit report as presented.
Mr. Jensen from M. Green and Company reported on Corcoran Irrigation District’s 2020 Pension audit. Mr. Jensen gave CID a “Good Standing” report as well. Upon motion of Director DeVaney, seconded by Director Hansen, and carried, the Board approved the Money Purchase Pension Plan audit report as presented.
Ms. Vasquez presented the Board with PG&E request for Easement LD# 2221-22-10034 for APN 034-011-011 and Resolution NO. 2021-5. The easement will allow for PG&E to provide electrical services to Mr. Reitkerk’s well. Upon motion of Director Devaney, seconded by Director Hansen, and carried, the Board approved the Easement and adopted the Resolution. Director Rietkerk recused himself.
Next Board meeting was set for September 14, 2021.
There being no further business before the Board, meeting was adjourned.