September 12, 2023
The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Corcoran Irrigation District was held on Tuesday, September 12, 2023, at the office of the District, 1150 6 ½ Avenue, Corcoran, California at 9:00 a.m.
Directors Present:
- Peter Rietkerk
- Michael Boyett
- Matthew Gilkey
Via Conference Call:
- Beau Howard
Directors Absent:
- Erik Hansen
Others Present:
- Devin Eagle, General Manager
- Misty Vasquez, Financial Officer
- Mike Martinez, Operations Manager
- Fred Holt, Circle T Farms
There were no additions. Mr. Eagle requested to delete Agenda 14 (closed session).
Mr. Eagle announced that Misty Vasquez completed the JPIA Professional Development Program for Operations. Mr. Eagle also informed the board that the District would be conducting interviews for the Canal Operator and Heavy Equipment Operator openings in the next few weeks.
Upon motion of Director Gilkey, seconded by Director Boyett, and carried, the Board approved and authorized Mrs. Vasquez to draw Warrants on the Treasury of the District to pay invoices in the Warrant Register amounting to $1,022,767.07.
Upon motion of Director Rietkerk, seconded by Director Gilkey, and carried, the Board approved the minutes of the August 08, 2023 District Board of Directors meeting as presented.
Mr. Eagle reported the General Fund checking account balance of $1,214,054.33 beginning August 1, 2023 and $545,004.34 ending August 31, 2023.
Mr. Eagle reported on certificate of investments at Kings Federal Credit Union, having a beginning August 1, 2023 balance of $283,380.08 earning interest of $529.49, amounting to an ending balance of $283,909.57. The Kings County Treasurer investments beginning August 1, 2023 balance reported was $3,507,068.74, gaining no interest. The District’s total investments, reported as of August 31, 2023, amounted to $4,925,885.64.
Mr. Eagle reported on the accounts receivable aging summary, with one grower delinquent.
Mr. Eagle reported August 2023 water deliveries of 9,615 acre-feet and canal use of 6,563 acre-feet. Combined water deliveries and canal use for August totaled 16,178 acre-feet. August water supplies were provided by surface water from the Kings and Kaweah River systems. August rainfall totaled 0.52 inches. Water Year rainfall totaled 0.52 inches.
Mr. Eagle reported on the state of the District’s well field, with three wells in need of repairs. Current total well production is 0 CFS, with a potential of 122 CFS.
Mr. Eagle reported the Cost of Operations at $101.00 per acre-foot for the year.
Mr. Eagle asked the Board of Directors to consider adjusting water toll rates to reflect current water conditions. The Board of Directors made no changes to water toll rates.
Mr. Eagle informed the Board that California High-Speed Rail Authority would begin work in mid-October that would impact deliveries in the North Corcoran Ditch. Mr. Eagle told the board that he had coordinated with affected water users and that this project start date was optimal to minimize impact.
Mr. Eagle informed the Board that the District was working with FEMA on reimbursement for damages caused by CA-4699-DR.
Mr. Eagle informed the Board that there was no new information on Solar Projects.
Mr. Eagle informed the Board that the September 12, 2023 El Rico GSA meeting would take place at 1:00 p.m.
Mr. Eagle informed the Board that there was no new information on legislation.
Next Board meeting was set for October 10, 2023.
There being no further business before the Board, meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.