February 9, 2021
The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Corcoran Irrigation District was held on Tuesday, February 9, 2021, at the office of the District, 1150 6 ½ Avenue, Corcoran, California at 9:00 a.m.
Directors Present:
- Peter Rietkerk
- Michael Boyett
- Matthew Gilkey
- Doug DeVaney
Directors Absent:
- Erik Hansen
Others Present:
- Gene Kilgore, General Manager
- Tammy Stephens, Office Administrator
- Devin Eagle, Operations Technician
- Misty Vasquez, Human Resources
- Mike Martinez, Operations Manager
Mr. Kilgore announced that the El Rico February 9, 2021 meeting had been canceled. Also requested to add Agenda Item # 16, Airspeed Wireless request to install Fiber optic to District Office. Also, announced that two (2) hires, Brandon Estrada and Robert Jordan have been selected. Mr. Kilgore gave a brief update on Thomas Smith.
Upon motion of Director DeVaney, seconded by Director Gilkey, and carried, the Board approved and authorized Mrs. Stephens to draw Warrants on the Treasury of the District to pay invoices in the Warrant Register amounting to $1,510,560.33.
Upon motion of Director DeVaney, seconded by Director Boyett, and carried, the Board approved the minutes of the January 12, 2021 District Board of Directors meeting with the correction of changing the name of Director Gilkey to Director Boyett in the approval of minutes paragraph.
Ms. Stephens reported the beginning January 1, 2021 General Fund checking account balance of $881,099.33 and ending January 31st balance of $2,465,624.19.
Ms. Stephens reported on certificate of investments at Kings Federal Credit Union, had a beginning January 1, 2021 balance of $275,832.29 earning interest of $327.98, amounting to an ending balance of $276,160.27. The Kings County Treasurer investments beginning January 1, 2021 balance reported was $4,412,719.73, earning interest of $24,493.50, amounting to an ending balance of $4,437,213.23. The District’s total investments, reported as of January 31, 2021 amounted to $4,713,373.53.
Ms. Stephens provided a summary on the accounts receivable aging summary, with a grower delinquent of $17,309.71.
Mr. Kilgore reported January 2021 water tolls totaled 5,231 acre-feet. Canal use for January 2021 totaled 6,928 acre-feet. The combined year-to-date deliveries totaled 12,159 acre-feet. Water supply provided by well field.
Mr. Kilgore presented the YTD Cost of Operations summary with total Cost of Operations at $203.00 per acre-foot.
Mr. Kilgore asked for the disposition of vehicle #18, 2GCVKNEC5K1160737. Upon motion of Director DeVaney, seconded by Director Boyett and carried, the Board approved and authorized Mr. Kilgore to sell Vehicle #18.
Mr. Kilgore updated the Board on the Water Blueprint. Mr. Kilgore requested to contribute up to $2500.00 to the Water Blueprint engineering study to review the potential of bringing water to the area. Upon motion of Director Gilkey and seconded by Director DeVaney, the Board approved contributing $2,500.00 for the 2021 budget year.
Mr. Kilgore reported he has received cost proposals from different web design companies for the building of the Districts website and one company would be chosen within 30 days.
Mr. Kilgore informed the Board that grant application to fund increasing the reservoirs storage and percolation did not currently qualify, due to the El Rico GSP being too vague on the project list reported. Mr. Kilgore is working with El Rico staff to get the GSP revised to qualify for future grants.
Mr. Kilgore informed the Board of Directors that the High-Speed Rail offer to purchase roughly 5 acres of the west portion of Reservoir 3 was currently in the process of being drafted. Once the contract was complete Mr. Kilgore would have the President sign the contract.
Mr. Kilgore reported that he is working with CalCom studying the potential for a battery system to offset the PG&E peak pricing. Mr. Kilgore informed the Board that there would not be any out-of-pocket expense. Also, where looking at potential placing floatable solar panel over Reservoir 1C. The system would be placed over the reservoir allowing for less evaporation and no loss of land space.
Mr. Kilgore reported that the El Rico GSA’s asking for Corcoran Irrigations Districts pumping location to help monitor subsidence.
Mr. Kilgore informed the Board that Airspeed Wireless was contracting with Comcast to install a fiber optic line to the District office at no cost or liability to the District. The Board had no reservations or concerns.
Next Board meeting was set for March 09, 2021.
There being no further business before the Board, meeting was adjourned.