November 2021 Board Meeting Minutes

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November 9, 2021


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Corcoran Irrigation District was held on Tuesday, November 9, 2021, at the office of the District, 1150 6 ½ Avenue, Corcoran, California at 9:00 a.m.


Directors Present:

  • Peter Rietkerk
  • Michael Boyett
  • Doug DeVaney
  • Matthew Gilkey

Directors Teleconference:

  • Erik Hansen

Directors Absent:

  • None

Others Present:

  • Gene Kilgore, General Manager
  • Misty Vasquez, Human Resources
  • Mike Martinez, Operations Manager
  • Devin Eagle, Operations Technician
  • Beau Howard, J.G. Boswell

Mr. Kilgore announced Director DeVaney submitted his letter of resignation dated December 31, 2021. Director DeVaney introduced Beau Howard, as a possible candidate to represent District 4, to serve out Director DeVaney’s remaining term. Mr. Kilgore announced the retirement dinner for Director DeVaney is scheduled for January 7, 2022 in appreciation for Director DeVaney’s 12 years of service to Corcoran Irrigation District (CID).


Mr. Kilgore asked to delete Agenda 8c to consider the lease agreement for Laketricity.


Upon motion of Director Boyett, seconded by Director Gilkey, and unanimously carried, the Board approved and authorized Mrs. Stephens to draw Warrants on the Treasury of the District to pay invoices in the Warrant Register amounting to $974,550.97.


Upon motion of Director DeVaney, seconded by Director Boyett, and unanimously carried, the Board approved the minutes of the October 11, 2021 Board of Directors meetings with noting Director Gilkey as “Absent”.


Mr. Kilgore reported the beginning October 1, 2021 General Fund checking account balance of $3,750,862.92 and ending October 31, 2021 balance of $3,151,186.30.


Mr. Kilgore reported on certificate of investments at Kings Federal Credit Union, having a beginning October 1, 2021 balance of $277,556.27 earning interest of $176.80, amounting to an ending balance of $277,733.07. The Kings County Treasurer investments beginning October 1, 2021 balance reported was $4,345,277.45, earning interest of $6,832.57, amounting to an ending balance of $4,352,110.02. The District’s total investments, reported as of October 31, 2021 amounted to $4,629,843.09.


Mr. Kilgore reported on the accounts receivable aging summary, with no growers being delinquent.


Mr. Kilgore stated the October 2021 water deliveries totaled 1,058 acre-feet. Canal use totaled 557 acre-feet. Total water deliveries and Canal Use to date was 56,417 and 44,755 acre-feet, respectively. Total water deliveries of 101,172 acre-feet. October water supplies provided by the well field.


Mr. Eagle reported on the state of the District’s well field with three wells in need of repairs. Current available production was 120 CFS, down by 16%, from the beginning of the summer irrigation, which capacity was 140 CFS.


Mr. Kilgore presented the Cost of Operations of $183 and expected to go slightly higher for the year.


Mr. Kilgore presented the 2021 Budget with no concerns from the Board Directors.


Mr. Kilgore requested the Board to consider the approval of Licensor’s Estoppel Certificate to Canal Energy Section 23. WhitePine Renewables was refinancing the project and asked for a new Estoppel to make sure since the original estoppel was signed that no debt has occurred on CID’s behalf. Upon motion of Director Boyett, seconded by Director DeVaney, and unanimously carried, the Board approved signing the new estoppel.


Mr. Kilgore informed the Board that PG&E had reviewed and provided WhitePine Renewables the cost estimate for the interconnection of the floatable solar over Reservoir 1-C, which showed the system can handle 2,099 more MWh. Mr. Kilgore asked to Board to approve the additional production. Upon motion of Director Gilkey, seconded by Director Boyett, and unanimously carried, the Board approved the increase in production.


Mr. Kilgore presented to the Board PG&E interconnection agreement 30S582002 for the WhitePine Renewables’ floatable Solar site on Reservoir 1-D. Upon motion of Director DeVaney, seconded by Director Gilkey, and unanimously carried, the Board approved PG&E interconnection agreement 30S582002.


Mr. Kilgore presented the Board with different ways to improve the groundwater sustainability for the District as a whole. Mr. Kilgore recommended to draft a drought reliance plan to CID’s already existing Ag Water Management Plan, which would help procuring future grant funds. Mr. Kilgore also recommended the Board to consider purchasing land from growers who have their land on the market. Mr. Kilgore suggested that growers as well as the district consider updating infrastructures to help conserve water, such as ditch/canal lining and tailwater recovery systems.


Mr. Kilgore informed the Board that there are new grants coming up in the near future. Calvin Montreal, Provost and Pritchard, would be compiling the appropriate applications. One such grant, meant to retire farmland and repurpose would provide CID funds to purchase farmland to repurpose to a reservoir.


Mr. Kilgore informed the Board that there was no new information regarding the California High Speed Rail Authority. However, Nevada Avenue at Hwy 43 will be permanently closed starting November 29, 2021.


Mr. Kilgore informed the Board that the El Rico meeting had been canceled.


Mr. Kilgore informed the Board that there was no new information regarding the Legislation.


Next Board meeting was set for December 14, 2021.


There being no further business before the Board, meeting was adjourned.

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