June 13, 2023
The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Corcoran Irrigation District was held on Tuesday, June 13, 2023, at the office of the District, 1150 6 ½ Avenue, Corcoran, California at 9:00 a.m.
Directors Present:
- Peter Rietkerk
- Erik Hansen
- Michael Boyett
- Matthew Gilkey
- Beau Howard
Via Conference Call:
- Rachele Berglund, Legal Counsel (Closed Session Only)
Directors Absent:
- None
Others Present:
- Devin Eagle, General Manager
- Misty Vasquez, Financial Officer
- Mike Martinez, Operations Manager
- Matt Dawes, Wonderful Orchards
- Fred Holt, Landowner
There were no announcements, additions, or deletions.
Upon motion of Director Boyett, seconded by Director Gilkey, and unanimously carried, the Board approved and authorized Mrs. Vasquez to draw Warrants on the Treasury of the District to pay invoices in the Warrant Register amounting to $379,739.95.
Upon motion of Director Gilkey, seconded by Director Hansen, and unanimously carried, the Board approved the minutes of the May 9, 2023 District Board of Directors meeting with changing Director Boyett from present to absent and changing the date from May 5, 2023 to May 9, 2023.
Mr. Eagle reported the General Fund checking account balance of $1,100,809.33 beginning May 1, 2023 and $1,086,322.07 ending May 31, 2023.
Mr. Eagle reported on certificate of investments at Kings Federal Credit Union, having a beginning May 1, 2023 balance of $281,814.47 earning interest of $526.57, amounting to an ending balance of $282,341.04. The Kings County Treasurer investments beginning May 1, 2023 balance reported was $4,407,068.74, gaining no interest. As per Corcoran Irrigation District Resolution #2023-1, the District transferred $500,000.00 from the Kings County Treasury account to the District’s general fund amounting in an ending treasury account balance of $3,907,068.74 as of May 31, 2023. The District’s total investments, reported as of May 31, 2023, amounted to $4,189,409.21.
Mr. Eagle reported on the accounts receivable aging summary, with one grower continuing to be delinquent.
Mr. Eagle reported the May 2023 water deliveries totaled 6,027 acre-feet. Canal use totaled 973 acre-feet. Combined water deliveries and canal use for May totaled 7,000 acre-feet. May water supplies were provided by the District’s surface water from the Kaweah River system. May rainfall totaled 0.20 inches. Water Year-to-date rainfall totaled 12.77 inches.
Mr. Eagle reported on the state of the District’s well field, with three wells in need of repairs and with wells 107 and 108 up and running. Current total well production is 0 CFS, with a potential of 122 CFS.
Mr. Eagle reported the Cost of Operations at $191.00 per acre-foot for the year.
Mr. Eagle asked the Board of Directors to consider adjusting water toll rates to reflect current water conditions. Upon motion of Director Gilkey, seconded by Director Howard, and unanimously carried, the Board approved and authorized setting water tolls to $40.00 per acre-foot in the District and $60.00 per acre foot outside of District effective midnight on June 14, 2023. Mr. Eagle asked that water tolls be reevaluated at each regular board meeting going forward.
The Board of Directors asked Mr. Eagle to table the 2023 Budget to next month’s regular Board of Directors Meeting.
Mr. Eagle informed the Board that there was no new information on California High-Speed Rail Authority.
Mr. Eagle informed the Board that the District was to have a FEMA Recovery Scoping Meeting on June 15, 2023 at the District office to discuss damages incurred during the flood and public assistance under major disaster declaration FEMA-4699-DR-CA.
Mr. Eagle informed the Board that there was no new information on Solar Projects.
Mr. Eagle informed the Board that the June 13, 2023 El Rico GSA had been was scheduled for this afternoon at 1:00 p.m.
Mr. Eagle informed the Board that there was no new information on legislation.
The Board of Directors, Rachele Berglund, and Mr. Eagle went into close session at 10:29 a.m.
Director Rietkerk reconvened open session at 10:58 a.m., with no action reportable.
Next Board meeting was set for July 11, 2023.
There being no further business before the Board, meeting was adjourned at 10:59 a.m.