March 12, 2024
The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Corcoran Irrigation District was held on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, at the office of the District, 1150 6 ½ Avenue, Corcoran, California at 9:00 a.m.
Directors Present:
- Matthew Gilkey
- Erik Hansen
- Michael Boyett
- Beau Howard
- Frederick Holt
Directors Absent:
- None
Others Present:
- Devin Eagle, General Manager
- Misty Vasquez, Financial Officer
- Mike Martinez, Operations Manager
- John Gaugel, Wonderful Orchards
- Roger Reynolds, Summers Engineering
Mr. Eagle recognized District employee Tristen VanZant for completing the JPIA Operations and Supervisor Basics Certification Programs.
Upon motion of Director Boyett, seconded by Director Hansen, and unanimously carried, the Board approved and authorized Mrs. Vasquez to draw Warrants on the Treasury of the District to pay invoices in the Warrant Register amounting to $199,303.26.
Upon motion of Director Holt, seconded by Director Boyett, and unanimously carried, the Board approved the minutes of the February 13, 2024 District Board of Directors meeting with changing “two growers delinquent to three growers being delinquent.”
Mr. Eagle reported the General Fund checking account balance of $385,751.13 beginning February 1, 2024 and $316.062.85 ending February 29, 2024.
Mr. Eagle reported on certificate of investments at Kings Federal Credit Union, having a February 1, 2024 balance of $286,537.43, earning interest of $500.85, resulting in ending balance of $287,038.28. The Kings County Treasurer investments balance beginning February 1, 2024 was $2,993,302.48, gaining no interest. The District’s total investments, reported as of February 29, 2024, amounted to $3,788,654.25.
Mr. Eagle reported on the accounts receivable aging summary, with three growers being delinquent.
Mr. Eagle reported on February 2024 water deliveries of 1,052 acre-feet and canal use of 68 acre-feet. Combined water deliveries and canal use for February totaled 1,093 acre-feet. February water supplies were provided by surface water from the Kings and Kaweah River systems. February rainfall totaled 1.31 inches. 2023-2024 Water Year-to-date rainfall totaled 5.37 inches.
Mr. Eagle reported on the state of the District’s weed control operations. Mr. Eagle informed the Board that staff were evaluating the viability of the current spray truck and would collect quotes for its needed repairs. Mr. Eagle presented the Board with two quotes for a new spray trailer that would give the District another herbicide application method. The Board advised Mr. Eagle to work with a vendor to build a spray trailer for the District.
Mr. Eagle reported on the state of the District’s well field, with two wells in need of repairs. The current total well production was 110 CFS, with a potential of 122 CFS.
Mr. Eagle reported the Cost of Operations at $520.00 per acre-foot for the year.
Mr. Eagle asked the Board to consider adjusting the water toll rate to reflect current water conditions. The Board took no action. The current water toll rate remains at $100.00 per acre-foot.
Mr. Eagle informed the Board that the February El Rico GSA Board Meeting was scheduled for this afternoon at 1:00 p.m. Mr. Eagle informed the Board of the District’s policy-focused ad hoc committee meeting held on February 20, 2024. Mr. Eagle informed the Board that the committee was exploring a system of tracking District surface water in a manner that would break out balances by landowner to clearly show when a water user would be using surface water or groundwater.
Mr. Eagle and Mr. Reynolds informed the Board that the California High Speed Rail Authority (Authority) is seeking District approval of the designs for the Sweet Canal under HST at Nevada Ave and the Sweet Canal under System Access Road projects. The Board advised Mr. Eagle to work with legal counsel to draft an approval letter that clearly defines the District’s position in these manners, and to limit District responsibility for potential issues in the Authority’s project designs.
Mr. Eagle informed the Board that the District was working with FEMA on DR-4699-CA.
Next Board meeting was set for April 9, 2024.
There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 11:48 a.m.